Writing Powerful Devotions

By Kelly McCausey, and Tishia Lee with Workbook by Shelley Howland

Writing Powerful Devotions has been newly updated with a new workbook.

The World Needs An Encouraging Word

Negative messages are everywhere. Discouraging situations rise all around us. True as it may be - we Christians are not limited by circumstances. We have the power to rise above our surroundings and find peace - even joy in the midst of life's greatest challenges.

That's easy to say - harder to do.

As faith based Bloggers, many of us feel called to help others find a way through darkness into the light. We long to write words that have a powerful impact.

There's a tried and true style of writing that delivers hope and encouragement in a bite sized dose: The Devotion

What is a Devotion?

A brief message focusing on applying a passage of scripture to daily life, usually including a suggested prayer or life application tip.

The Bible is THE source we all draw from. Think of a Devotion as a way of serving up a wee taste of God's Word with inspiration for making it connect to daily life.

We're mostly familiar with written devotions but the message can be delivered by audio or video as well - that means anyone with a heart to encourage others can create devotions.

We know many who would create and share devotions if they felt equipped to communicate their message clearly and could find the confidence to share what they've created.

That's why we put this webinar training together - to help more people have a powerful, positive impact on the world!

What we love about the Devotion as a communication tool is that it can be aimed as widely or as specifically as you wish.

  • You can create devotions that apply well and encourage nearly anyone in the world.
  • You can focus your devotions on women or men only, and speak to their unique perspectives.
  • You can hone your message to address the needs of married couples, parents or singles.
  • You can go deeper and craft devotions to meet a group of people with a shared experience, like those struggling with addiction, abuse or illness.
  • You can speak directly to the hearts of children, teens or our growing population of older adults.

Think of all the unique people groups you can connect with in a unique way... entrepreneurs, cat lovers, travelers, artists... the options are so exciting!

To Make A Greater Impact...

You've got to know your chosen audience, their hopes, dreams, fears & worries. The more specifically you can connect with what they have going on in their lives today, the greater your ability to meet their needs.

The more deeply you connect with your audience, the greater influence you'll have with your message - so we'll share lots more ideas about choosing your focus on the call.

Ready To Learn How To Shape & Share Your Message?

With years of experience leading Women's Ministry, conducting bible studies, writing for church newsletters and blogging on the web, I've written hundreds of devotions for a variety of purposes. I'm willing to share my simple formula for penning devotions that make an impact in just five steps!

Choosing Your Devotional Format Is More Exciting Than Ever!

When you think about a devotional, you probably visualize a small, pocket sized book. That's still a popular format of course - but oh the options we have today!

  • You can publish your devotional on Amazon's Kindle.
  • You can offer your devotions as an email subscription.
  • You can publish your messages as blog posts.
  • You can record your devotions as a podcast via iTunes.
  • You can deliver your messages on video and publish to YouTube.
  • You can design your message as a graphic to be shared on social media channels.
  • You can mesh your written devotions with blank pages and publish as a Prayer Journal though a service like CreateSpace.
  • You can even blend your devotions with coloring pages - that's a hot trend!

I am bubbling over with excitement and ideas to share with you. I have a feeling that this webinar is going to spark something truly amazing in our community.

God's Word + Your Experience & Creativity = Amazing Personal Impact!

Yes, Count Me In!

Full Webinar Recording & Newly Updated Workbook 7 Page Workbook.

Only $27

You know you have a message to share, but maybe you've been struggling to find a format that makes communicating it easy?

When you learn how to chunk down your ideas into specific actionable devotions, your message will be flowing out into the world in no time!

Kelly & Tishia, Faithful Bloggers

Your Instructor

Kelly McCausey
Kelly McCausey

Course Curriculum

  First Section
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Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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